Makko Musagara
God arranges divine connections.
Dear reader, there is one feature that defines a divine connection. It comes abruptly, without your efforts or preparations. In this post, I would like to share with you how God arranges divine connections.
Christians who struggle with connections.
First, I have seen many Christians struggle to get connected to certain important people. They move from one person to another seeking assistance for such connections. In this post I show you that with a divine connection, you do not need to struggle.
As a good example, the family of Abraham was very rich, and many individual Canaanites always tried to connect to Abraham but they failed. Abraham was not interested in them and he never wanted these individuals to associate with his son Isaac (Genesis 24:3). Unknown to Abraham, God had already arranged a young lady from his country of origin who would become Isaac’s wife. It was only a matter of time that this divine connection takes place.
Walking in God’s ways.
As a matter offact, if you need a divine connection, the first requirement is to walk in God’s ways. Look at the life of Rebecca before God connected her. She lived a life that pleased God (Genesis 24:16). Most actions in her daily life, like greeting people and helping the needy, aligned well with the fruits of someone walking with God.
Do not struggle.
Interestingly, you do not need to struggle for God’s divine connection. If you struggle, then that connection ceases to be divine. You are connecting using your human efforts.
How God miraculously connected me to a Korean Billionaire.
You may not believe what I am about to tell you, but it is the real truth. One time I was constructing a church and my faith had prompted me to put up a big structure. Some church members criticized me for starting such a large building, wondering where I would get all the needed funds. As construction progressed, they kept on asking me where I would get all the funds for roofing such a big building. I always told them that it was only God who knew.
Then the unexpected happened. When this building reached the roofing stage, I was miraculously selected and sponsored to attend the United States Bio International Convention in Chicago. I never knew anyone at this conference and I never talked to anyone that back home I was putting up a large church building. I only talked to God in prayer that he provides the needed funds.
On the last day of this convention, as I settled in the bus that was taking participants from the McCormick Convection Center back to their respective hotels, a respectable gentleman who looked like a Chinese sat in the vacant seat near me. As soon as the bus took off from McCormick Place in Chicago, God led this stranger to start a conversation. He showed me a beautiful book he had got for free from one of the exhibition stalls.
He asked me many questions, and when he told me that he was a Christian CEO, I mentioned to him our church building under construction. This is how God connected me to this Korean CEO. Before I disembarked the bus for my hotel, and I left him on the bus to continue to his, I realized that God had miraculously connected me to this Christian billionaire Korean businessman who had a lot of investments in Asian chemical industries. This Christian CEO ended up sponsoring all the roofing of our new church building.