Dear reader, there is an attribute of our Heavenly Father that He wants you to know. He always uses a single person to accomplish gigantic tasks. It is for this reason that God will use you to change millions.

To begin with, our Heavenly Father had the great task of leading more than 3,000,000 Israelites from slavery in Egypt to the promised land.
God could have used about 100 strong men and women with miraculous powers to lead these millions of people out of Egypt. On the contrary, God used only one person for this great task.

Our Heavenly Father used Ezra to lead hundreds of Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem, where they rebuilt the temple and their community. Furthermore, the Lord used Ezra to overcome opposition and fulfill his will.
One of Ezra’s most notable achievements is the completion of the Jerusalem temple, which had been destroyed many years earlier by the Babylonians. Second, Ezra helped the Jews living in Jerusalem to keep the commandments of the Lord and not to marry outside the covenant.
Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, our Heavenly Father loved the entire world so much that he did not want it to perish. Interestingly, he did not choose many people to carry out the required salvation. God used a single person, who is our Lord Jesus Christ, to save the entire world.
Other great men and women used by God.
What can I say? I have not mentioned Joseph who saved millions from famine in Egypt, Gideon who saved many Isarelites from death, Esther who saved many Jews from annihilation and the apostle Paul who brought millions of souls to our Lord Jesus Christ.
God will use you.
Therefore, from the three examples mentioned above, you must keep in mind that our Heavenly Father has identified you as the next person to be used to change the lives of millions of people.
All our Heavenly Father wants you to do is accept his calling and the task he has given you.
Listen to what our Heavenly Father is telling you in Isaiah 1:19-20:
If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the good things of the land;
20 but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
God will use you to change millions.