Dear reader, this article presents to you one of the books found in heaven. It is God’s book with the names of all those who honor Him.
Where is this book mentioned in the Bible?
First, we need to understand if this book is actually mentioned in the Bible. Indeed, this book is mentioned in the book of Malachi chapter 3 verse 16.
Specifically, listen to what the written word of God says:
Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.
What honor is God demanding from us?
In fact, Heavenly Father is looking for people who tremble when they read His word written in the Bible. These people will do whatever it takes to obey the written word of God.
Second, God is looking for anyone who hates sin in all its forms. Such people are afraid of sinning against God and would rather die than bring shame to the name of God. Third, Heavenly Father is looking for people who believe in His Son Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, all those who honor God will be spared.
According to God’s word written in the book of Malachi, all those whose names are written in this book are God’s treasured possession. Ultimately, they will be spared on God’s day of wrath.
Meanwhile, listen to what our Heavenly Father says about that day:
17 “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as a father has compassion and spares his son who serves him. 18 And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.
Malachi 3:17-18
God’s book with the names of all those who honor Him.