Dear reader, if God made his list of the 100 richest people on earth today, you would be shocked. Very few, if any, of the Forbes 100 billionaires would make God’s list. Even none of the 100 richest pastors in the world would be on this list.
God does not measure the abundance of people on earth like we do. Here on earth, we measure abundance by the amount of money that is in a person’s bank account. Also, the amount of assets they own in terms of land, buildings, vehicles and other earthly goods.
The richest pastors.
If you are a pastor, I advise you to never strive to be on the list of the richest pastors in your country. Do not strive to have the best house, the best car, or the best plane. If you do Jesus Christ and all the hosts of heaven will begin to mock you.
If you are a pastor and you read God’s written Word very well, you will see that Jesus made it very clear that a person’s life is not made up of the abundance they have on earth:
And He said to them,
“Take heed and beware of [a]covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.
Luke 12:15
Your abundance is in heaven.
God measures people’s abundance by how much they have invested in heaven. If you are a minister of God and you care about the Kingdom of God, you should only care about the investment you have made in heaven.
A widow made it on God’s list.
Once, Jesus went to the temple to see who would be on God’s list of the richest people on earth. Some of the world’s richest billionaires and pastors willingly came to the temple and waited patiently for Jesus to mention their names.
They were shocked when none of their names were mentioned. Instead, a stranger appeared on God’s list of the richest on earth.
Jesus Christ gave the reason:
And He said, Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them;
4 For they all gave out of their abundance (their surplus); but she has contributed out of her lack and her want, putting in all that she had on which to live.
Luke 21:3-4
How to make it on God’s list of the richest person on earth.
Below I give some of the ways you can make it to God’s list of the richest persons on earth.
Believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings in the Bible.
Seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness in whatever you do.
Invest as much as you can in the winning of lost souls for Jesus Christ.
Invest in the planting of new churches.
Invest in helping the needy and disadvantaged.
Invest in the distribution of God’s written Word (the Bible) to all communities in the world.
Invest in other ways of expanding God’s Kingdom on earth.
God’s list of the richest people in the world today.