Dear reader, many Christians wish they were like Moses, who heard the audible voice of God. They do not know that today they are more privileged than Moses to hear from God in a different way.
Moses had no Bible to know all God’s ways, but for us today we are so lucky to have God’s written Word that has all His instructions. The written Word in the Bible is God’s standard voice to you.
Personal testimony.
Ever since I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour God has never spoken to me with an audible voice like He did to Moses. He has mostly personally spoken to me through His written Word as indicated in my testimony below.
My job position was advertised
I remember one time I had worked for four years as a Senior Administrator for a non-government organization. One day my bosses called me and informed me they needed someone with better qualifications than mine to take over my position. In a few days my position was advertised in two prominent national newspapers with national circulation.
The day these adverts appeared I was confused and worried as to what my future would be. Around midnight I went into a prayer seeking God’s guidance on my future. After that prayer the Lord led me to open my Bible.
The page I randomly opened had Mathew chapter 21. Then suddenly verse 42 jumped, like a beautiful butterfly from a flower, out of the Bible into my eyes!
Jesus said to them: “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes”?
As usual, in such circumstances, I was certain God was speaking to me through this Scripture. He was assuring me I would come out of this situation victorious.
As a human being I asked myself “How will this be when my job has already been advertised in two prominent daily newspapers?” But, as Mary Magdalene did, I just believed and left the rest to God. Later, after all the interviews for the short-listed candidates had been done, all the three selected candidates started to blunder in one way or another.
It is true God can cause confusion among your enemies. I recall one of the candidates, a highly qualified and very respectable lady. She was finally offered this job but as my bosses were negotiating her salary package, she refused to reveal her most recent salary (because it was too low compared to what she was asking). She told the panel:
My former salary is personal business, it has nothing to do with this interview.
Her response angered my bosses a lot as they thought she was a very arrogant person. In the end my vexed bosses rejected all the three and decided to maintain me in the already advertised position! “We better deal with Makko than those complicated applicants” they said. I became the keystone as the Lord had promised through His written Word.