Dear reader, heaven has rolls and rolls of redundant strong supernatural wires. They are lying there in Heaven unused because many Christians on earth do not know how to use them. You are about to know how to use these powerful wires.
How the Lord revealed these heavenly cables to me.
One time I was invaded by a spirit of a giant python. The Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw this huge python coiled on the floor of my bedroom.
Jesus gave Christians the weapon of binding.
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave all believers a very powerful spiritual weapon when he said these words:
Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven.
Mathew 18:18
The weapon of binding at work.
I had just gone to bed and as I dozed, this giant spirit of a python reappeared in my bedroom. I jumped out my bed and shouted as follows:
It is written that whatever we bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven! I bind you spirit of a python in Jesus Name!
Heavenly cables descended into my bedroom.
As soon as I shouted those words, something supernatural happened. The Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw strong heavenly cables descending from heaven. They bound and squeezed the python until it turned into the size of a small bottle. I never saw any person or angel operating these cables. They were operating themselves.
The bound spirit was still in my bedroom.
The following day as I was gathering sleep on my bed the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw that the bound spirit was still in my bedroom! I asked the Lord why this spirit was still there and what I am supposed to do. The Lord answered as followed:
You bound the spirit, but you never cast it away. Cast the bound spirit away right now!
I jumped out of the bed and shouted:
I command you bound spirit to go into the desert, never to come back to this house.
At this command the bound spirit left with such power that my whole house shook!
Rolls of unused cables in Heaven.
The Lord told me that rolls and rolls of redundant heavenly cables are going unused because many Christians are not using the spiritual weapon of binding demons.
Heavenly cables that are waiting for your commands to bind demons.