Here is the best way to worship our Heavenly Father

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Alt=Here is the best way to worship God
Here is the best way to worship God.



Makko Musagara



Dear reader, this article presents to you the best way of worshipping our Heavenly Father.


Our Lord Jesus Christ felt unrecognized.



One day, while Jesus Christ was sitting very tired near Jacob’s well (John chapter 4), he felt unrecognized and was very thirsty. He wished that someone could come and recognize him as a gift from Heaven to all people on Earth.

Our Lord Jesus Christ thought like this:


I wish someone comes here and realizes that I am the Bread of Life. The Deliverer and Good Shepherd. The Lord of Lords and the King of Kings.


A few minutes later a woman came to draw water but did not recognize who Jesus Christ was. She spoke to Jesus as if she were speaking to an ordinary person.

For this reason she missed many heavenly blessings. This is what happens when many Christians go before our Heavenly Father.

They approach him as if they were approaching an ordinary person. They do not recognize who our Heavenly Father is and, therefore, they miss out on many heavenly blessings.


Alt=Here is the best way to worship our Heavenly Father
The Samaritan woman never recognised who Jesus Christ was.


The glory of our Father in Heaven.

Our Father in Heaven is always saying to himself:


I wish someone on Earth comes before me realizing that I am the Ancient of Days. The Most High and the Most Supreme being. The I AM and the Creator of everything. The Provider of everything and that Nothing is Impossible for me. That I deserve all the honor and glory.



Most Christians introduce themselves to Heavenly Father casually.

Many Christians go before God in prayer without knowing who he is. If they knew who God is, the first thing they would do as soon as they entered his presence would be to prostrate themselves before him in worship. This is what the Lord asked me to tell all Christians.

Here is the prostration I am talking about.

The type of prostration I am talking about is when a person lies on the ground, with their face and entire body touching the ground in worship of our Heavenly Father.

How God perceives prostration.

Dear reader, suppose that the woman who found Jesus at Jacob’s well (John 4:6-7) had immediately recognized Jesus, fallen to the ground, prostrated and worshiped Jesus, what do you think Jesus’ reaction would have been?

Our Lord Jesus Christ would have been very pleased in his heart. Jesus would have immediately smiled and said to himself:


This woman has recognized who I am. I am very pleased with her. May my Father’s blessings always be upon her.


This is exactly how our Heavenly Father perceives anyone who prostrates before him. God takes great pleasure in his heart with that person. He starts smiling and will send his blessings to that person. If you come to God by first prostrating yourself before him, you will reap many heavenly blessings.

Start prostrating yourself before God.

In this article I am not referring about religious or traditional rituals and ceremonies. I’m talking about worshiping our Heavenly Father as you meet him one on one in prayer.

When you begin to prostrate yourself before our Heavenly Father, you will begin to see the best and blessed part of your life.

You will be preparing for worship in  Heaven.

When you start worshiping God by prostration, you will be practicing what you will be doing when you go to Heaven.

In heaven all the twenty four Elders, all the angels, and all other inhabitants worship God mainly by prostration (Revelation 4:9-10) .



Here is the best way to worship our Heavenly Father.



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