Here’s a place where demons can’t set foot

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Alt=Here's a place where demons can't set foot
Here’s a place where demons can’t set foot.




Makko Musagara

May the glory of God cover the entire earth.




Dear reader, there are some places where demons cannot dare go. Here’s a place where demons can’t set foot.

The blood of Jesus Christ is so powerful.

First, we need to understand that of all the weapons Heavenly Father has given us, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful. With this weapon, a Christian can overcome Satan and demons because it is written in the Bible that:


They [Christians] triumphed over him [Satan]
    by the blood of the Lamb.


Revelation 12:11



Alt=Here's a place where demons can't set foot
The blood of Jesus Christ is so powerful.


The blood of Jesus is like a lake of great fire.

Secondly, we need to realize that within the supernatural realm the blood of Jesus Christ appears like a lake of great fire. Satan and demons cannot step where the blood of Jesus is.

How to invoke the blood of Jesus Christ at any place.

So, how do you invoke the blood of Jesus Christ? As a matter of fact, you can plead the blood of Jesus Christ at any place. Here is how you can do it.

First, pray the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer takes away your sins and prevents Satan from getting God’s permission to attack you.

Second, open both palms of your hands and say these words:


In the name of Jesus Christ I cover my  hands with the blood of Jesus Christ.



Lay your hands anywhere you don’t want demons to enter.

Third, lay your hands at every place where you don’t want demons to be as you pronounce these words:


I cover this place with the blood of Jesus Christ, and I declare that Satan and demons shall not come to this place.



Alt=Here's a place where demons can't set foot
I cover this place with the blood of Jesus Christ.



After this statement, you can rest assured that demons cannot come anywhere you have invoked the blood of Jesus Christ.






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