Dear reader, you may find some difficulty believing what I am about to tell you, but it is the real truth. Days in Heaven are not calculated like we do here on Earth.
In this article I show you how days are calculated in Heaven.
This is what our scientists tell us.
According to our scientists here on Earth, one day on Earth is so different on the other planets of the solar system. For example, if you were to travel to a planet known as Venus, you will find that one day on Earth is made up of 243 days on Venus!
So for someone on Venus one earth day is like 243 Venus days, and 243 days are like one day.
The planet Mercury.
According to our scientists, one day on Earth is like 58 days on Mercury. For someone living on Mercury, 58 days are like one day, and one day is like 58 days.
One day is much longer in Heaven.
What I am about to tell you is not based on science, and it is not based on planetary or galaxy rotations in space. What I am telling you is based on the written word of God in the Bible.
Whereas it takes 24 hours to make one day on Earth, it actually takes one thousand Earth years to make one day in Heaven.
The Biblical basis of the calendar in Heaven.
The Bible clearly tells us in 2 Peter 3:8 that according to our Father in Heaven, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
Listen to what the Bible says:
Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape your notice,
that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years is like one day.
2 Peter 3:8
Jesus Christ has spent only two days in Heaven.
If we are to go by the calendar in Heaven, it means that after his resurrection on Earth, Jesus Christ has spent only two days in Heaven! (i.e 1,000 years on Earth = 1 day in heaven see 2 Peter 3:8)
You will look much younger in Heaven.
Dear reader, if you are to take a plane from New York to Ben-Gurion International Airport in Israel, as soon as you reach your destination you will adjust your watch by about seven hours to match the Israel Standard Time
The same applies to all persons who leave Earth to go and dwell in Heaven. As soon as they reach Heaven, their years have to be adjusted to match the calendar in Heaven. As a result, a person from Earth will look far younger in Heaven.