God will do whatever it takes to protect His true servants from sin. This article shows how God keeps His ministers from cheating on their spouses
God warns his ministers in dreams.
First, our heavenly Father always warns His ministers in dreams that they are going astray. Those who are sensitive to God’s voice will adhere to God’s warning. They will retrace their steps and walk in the right direction that honors God. However, some ministers do not listen to God’s voice and end up in hell.
Something will go wrong.
Second, God will cause something to go wrong in the life of any minister who intends to cheat on their spouse. For example, the cheating spouse may get involved into a serious police case.
God will expose you to your spouse.
Third, if a true servant of God is considering cheating on his or her spouse, God will make sure that the spouse knows about it one way or another. For example, your spouse may find out through your phone messages or any other sign that you are involved in an extramarital affair.
Furthermore, God often uses accidents to warn unfaithful ministers that they are going astray. A minister who knows God’s voice and divine warning signs will immediately repent and take the right direction that pleases God.
God may cause some biological dyfunctions.
What can I say? Have you never heard of some men whose engine would not start every time they tried to cheat on their wives? Interestingly, when these men returned to their wives, their engine would run perfectly. These are some of the wonders of our God Almighty.
Public exposure and humiliation.
Finally, if a true minister of God is considering cheating on his or her spouse and does not follow any of God’s warnings listed above, then God will publicly denounce that minister. That minister will be humiliated on all social media, in newspapers, on radio and television.