How sex demons defile Christians in dreams

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How sex demons attack Christians in dreams.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, Satan is always looking for ways to defile the holiness of Christians. For Christians who live a prudent life, the devil will fail in this mission. However, for Christians who live a carefree life, Satan will succeed because of their sinful actions. These Christians will unknowingly find themselves having sex with demons in their dreams, as you are about to see in this article.


1. Watching Pornography.

First, pornography belongs to the devil. When you start watching pornographic images and videos, a door opens in your life through which sexual demons enter your life. Therefore, these demons will have sexual relations with you, especially while you are sleeping.

Another aspect of pornography is that most of the individuals you watch in pornographic images and videos have pacts with the devil. You will unknowingly establish sexual relations with these individuals and the next step will be to have sexual relations with them in the spiritual dimension.

2. Masturbation.

Masturbation is another sin used by the devil to bring sexual demons into the lives of Christians. The first time a person masturbates, a spiritual door is opened for the devil to deploy demons into that person’s life.

Some of these demons will cause the Christian to masturbate more, others will engage him in other areas of sexual immorality, while others will bring curses into that person’s life. Consequently, such a Christian will begin to dream of having sex with unknown people, who are actually demons.

3. Lust.

Lust will open doors for demons to enter the spiritual life of a Christian. These demons will drive a Christian more into sexual immorality and demons will start having sex with a Christian through dreams.


4. Adultery.

Adultery will open doors for demons to enter your spiritual life. These demons will drive you more into sexual immorality and you will start having sex with demons in your dreams.


5. Fornication (sex between unmarried persons).

Fornication is another doorway for a careless Christian to start having sex with demons.



How sex demons defile Christians in dreams



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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