Dear reader, if you have already received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you do what I tell you, then you will be able to conquer this world.
The beast within us.
Every person has a beast inside their body. This beast is called hunger, and it is like a lion in our body. If a Christian can tame this beast called hunger, then that person can conquer this world. God has given many Christians missions to accomplish on earth, but this beast has failed them.
Jesus Christ defeated this beast.
Of all the people who have ever lived on this earth, no one has ever been given the most difficult task like our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father entrusted him with the mission of saving all human beings from hell by being publicly crucified on the cross.
As our Lord prepared to carry out this mission, our Heavenly Father first said to Him the following:
My beloved Son, before you attempt to accomplish the mission I have assigned to you. You must first overcome the beast within you called hunger.
Our Lord Jesus Christ showed our Heavenly Father that He can overcome this beast. At first, Jesus wanted to show our Father that he could overcome hunger in one day. He went a whole day without food or water. Then he changed his mind and said to himself:
Let me prove to my Heavenly Father that I can truly conquer this beast called hunger.
Our Lord Jesus Christ extended the number of days without food and water to forty days! (Luke 4:2). This is how Jesus Christ defeated the beast within him called hunger.
From this experience, our Lord Jesus Christ could no longer be distracted by hunger. This beast could no longer reign over Jesus. Instead, Jesus Christ was the one who ruled over this beast. From that day on, Satan and the demons were even more afraid of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Start reigning over this beast.
Dear reader, if you have already received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and want to overcome this world, begin to show Heavenly Father that you can rule over the beast within you called hunger.
You need to show Heavenly Father that hunger will never have dominion over you. Instead, you become the ruler of hunger. You can start by skipping a meal. This will show Heavenly Father that hunger does not rule your life. When you do this, Satan and Demons will begin to flee from you!
If you conquer this, then you can conquer the world.
Patricia Smith
?????????????Am just so blessed to be alive to read this wisdom, and knowledge and understanding from a true servant of God ? blessings to you Sr.
Makko Musagara
You are welcome.