Dear reader, our Heavenly Father wants you to begin a new life of peace, freedom and eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ. This article discusses how to prepare your life for Jesus Christ.
Read the Bible.
First, to fully understand why you need Jesus Christ, you need to get a Bible and read it. The Old Testament is the old covenant with our Heavenly Father. It lays the foundation for your need for Jesus Christ. Second, the Old Testament reveals much about God’s character and shows us how to love and serve God.
Third, the Old Testament contains many of God’s promises regarding our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, you will understand why the Jews were looking for a Messiah (a Savior King).
The New Testament is the new covenant with our Heavenly Father. It is an account of the life, teachings and mission of Jesus Christ and the ministry of his disciples in promoting the spread of the early Christian Church.

You need to repent.
You must admit that you have committed sin in your past life and ask Heavenly Father to forgive you through our Lord Jesus Christ.
During this repentance, you promise God not to repeat your past sins.
Walk away from sin.
If you want to prepare your life for Jesus Christ, then you must distance yourself from all sinful acts. The Bible shows you all types of sins and how to overcome them through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Acts of sin include unbelief in God, telling lies, sexual immorality, irresponsibility, lack of self-control, idolatry, witchcraft, strife, jealousy, anger, useless arguments, envy, alcoholic drinks, and lack of personal integrity.
Listen to Christian music and watch Christian media.
As you prepare yourself for Jesus Christ, you must stop listening to non-Christian music and watching non-Christian media. Instead, always listen to Christian music and watch Christian media.