Dear reader, because of sin, many Christians have been driven from the narrow path to heaven and are now heading toward hell. This article shares how to stay on the narrow path to heaven.
Stand firm in your salvation with Jesus Christ.
First, you need Jesus Christ if you want to walk the narrow path to heaven. You cannot continue to walk this road without our Lord Jesus Christ.
Walk away from sin.
Second, you must hate sin in all its forms. The angels of God will drive you from the narrow path if you compromise with sin.
Pay attention to small sins.
In fact, many Christians have been kicked off the narrow path to heaven because of what they view as small sins. Such sins include things like taking a pen from your workplace without your employer’s permission, forgetting to pay a small debt, and looking at another person lustfully.
Always look to Jesus Christ.
Furthermore, on the day of judgment, you will be alone before the judge, who will be Jesus Christ. Therefore, stop focusing on others, especially friends and pastors, as they may distract you from the narrow path.
Walk with perseverance the narrow path to heaven, fixing your eyes on Jesus Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of the faith.
Live a life of prayer.
Additionally, Satan will always fight to lead you away from the narrow path to heaven. Therefore, you must live a life of prayer to ward off Satan and demons.
Read the Bible.
If you want to continue walking the narrow path to heaven, you must regularly read God’s written word in the Bible. Reading the Bible will help you understand what Heavenly Father wants you to do.
Meet regularly with other Christians.
Finally, do not forgo meeting other Christians, as some are in the habit of doing, but continue meeeting and encouraging one another as you approach the gate of heaven.
How to stay on the narrow road to heaven.