If worship bores you, then you’d better forget about heaven.

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If worship bores you, then you’d better forget about heaven.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, do you find worship during church service boring? If worship bores you, then you’d better forget about heaven.

Heaven is filled with worship all the time.

First, if worship during church service bores you, then I’m afraid you will get sick in heaven, because heaven is filled with worship all the time.

In fact, according to God’s written word, worship angels in heaven never stop worshiping God. Listen to what God’s written word says in the Bible:


Each one of the four living creatures had six wings[a] and was full of eyes all around and inside.[b] They never rest day or night, saying:[c]

Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful,[d]
Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”


Revelation 4:8


Worshipping God has many benefits.

Second, there are many benefits to worshiping Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Worship brings the presence of God, it brings the kingdom of God, it brings the angels of God, it casts out the kingdom of Satan, it brings the blessings of God, brings deliverance from spiritual oppression, and worship causes supernatural miracles , including healing.

You better start loving worshiping God.

Therefore, if you plan to spend your eternity in heaven, you better start enjoying worshiping Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. If you do this. you would have already started experiencing heaven on earth.

Worship God during your private prayer.

Finally, if you want to please Heavenly Father, it is best that you begin worshiping God during your private prayer time. Such intimate worship will create a portal through the heavens for your prayers to reach the throne of God.




If you are bored with worshipping God, then you better forget about heaven.


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