Dear reader, this is a warning from heaven. In any crisis, never utter words of failure because the devil and demons can use those words against you.
During every trouble, Satan and the demons are waiting to hear what you say.
First, we all need to be aware that during any trouble the devil and demons in your vicinity are listening attentively to the words coming out of your mouth. They always wish you say negative words.
Here are the most common words that excite Satan and demons:
I am finished.
I don’t think I will ever make it.
I will kill myself.
I think I’am failing.
I am doomed.
Satan and demons will use your negative words against you.
Second, as soon as negative words come out of your mouth, Satan and demons will use those very confessions against you. In fact, the devil will command demons to fulfill those negative words in your life.
God’s angels are waiting for your positive confessions.
On the contrary, God’s angels are always near you waiting for positive confessions to come out of your mouth. God’s angels near will turn all your positive confessions into reality. Their response will be source of your victory.
Why I like the president of my country.
As a good example, I always like the words of the president of my country. I have never heard him say negative words in any crisis. He always says things like these:
We will defeat those rebels.
That problem will be sorted out.
When you provoke us, you are playing with fire.
You are digging your own grave.
David’s positive words gave him victory.
Likewise, the young man David spoke positive words that gave him victory over the giant Goliath. Hear what David said during this crisis:
46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.
1 Samuel 17:46
These positive words activated God’s angels who transformed them into victory for David.