Dear reader, what would you do if you found yourself in an unsafe risky situation? Jesus did something and God sent him millions of warrior angels.
Jesus Christ found himself in a very dangerous situation.
It was a beautiful Sunday morning when our Lord Jesus Christ went to a large church in Nazareth, where he had been raised. While he was preaching in this church, the congregation did not like his message at all and rose up furiously against him.
They got up, expelled him from the town and took him to the top of the hill on which the town was built, to throw him off the cliff.
Listen to what the written word of God in the Bible says in Luke 4:29-30:
And jumping up, they mobbed him and took him to the edge of the hill on which the city was built, to push him over the cliff.

Jesus Christ prayed.
As Jesus was pushed out of the church, he realized that it might be difficult to survive this crowd. Undoubtedly, the congregation had become so violent that it was pointless to call the Nazareth police.
Jesus knew that the only person who could get him out of this situation was our Heavenly Father.
Therefore Jesus prayed a simple prayer that went like this (see Mathew 26:53):
Father, please send legions of angels to help me out of this situation.
Heavenly Father sent millions of angels to rescue Jesus.
Immediately after Jesus’ brief prayer, our Heavenly Father dispatched millions of angels from heaven. Like lightning, they flew towards Nazareth and surrounded the crowd that wanted to push Jesus off a cliff.
The crowd was greatly frightened by the terrifying sight of multitudes of heavenly warrior angels. The leaders of the Jewish circle froze in amazement and they quckly removed their hands off Jesus.
As a result of this sudden change, our Lord Jesus Christ walked through the frozen crowd unscathed. Afterwards, he went on his way without any further disturbance.

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