Dear reader, great miracles take place after great trials. By comparison, Joseph, the father of Jesus, almost committed suicide.
The great miracle of Jesus Christ.
First, since the creation of the world, no miracle has ever occurred like that of the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, the birth of Jesus Christ brought the Old Testament to a close and gave birth to the New Testament world.
Jesus Christ was born after great trials.
Second, we need to rrealise that our Lord Jesus Christ was born after both Joseph and Mary underwent great trials.The cause of Joseph’s and Mary’s troubles is the fact that since the creation of the world, no child had ever been conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Joseph, the father of Jesus, almost committed suicide.
Therefore, given the unusual circumstances in which Mary conceived, Joseph, Mary’s husband, nearly committed suicide for two reasons.
First, Joseph thought that Mary had betrayed him by sleeping with another man. This thought caused great anger in Joseph. After realizing that Mary was pregnant, Joseph spent many days and nights filled with uncontrollable anger and indignation.
Second, Joseph was under intense pressure from his relatives and society at large to separate from Mary. This pressure was due to the fact that no one had ever heard of the concept of a supernatural conception, such as how Mary conceived Jesus.
The angel of God saved Joseph from perishing into hell.
However, our Heavenly Father saved Joseph from suicide and death in hell. After realizing Joseph’s turmoil and the fact that Joseph wanted to separate from Mary, God sent an angel to save Joseph.
Listen to what the angel of God told Joseph:
Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,[a] because he will save his people from their sins.
Matthew 1:20-21
This is how our loving God saved Joseph from committing suicide.
In conclusion, rest assured that if you put your faith in Him, the same God who saved Joseph will save you from all the problems you are currently facing.