Dear reader, this is a warning to any man or woman who has a habit of lusting after strangers. Lustful desire for a stranger can attract sex demons
How the spiritual world works.
The spiritual world is full of mysteries. Sometimes spiritual beings from the spirit world can transform and appear as actual human beings in our physical world.
This is exactly what happened in Genesis chapter 19 when the angels of God in heaven were transformed from spirit beings into handsome young men. A person looking at these two men thought they were human beings when in reality they were angels of God.

Demons can turn into handsome men or beautiful women.
Likewise, demons can transform from invisible spirit beings into visible beautiful men or women.
Therefore, sometimes when someone desires a stranger, that person may actually desire real demons from Satan’s kingdom.
The demons will know you liked them.
When you sexually desire a demon, that demon will know it instinctively, and it will mark you. This demon will automatically know everything about your life, including your residence and sleeping hours.

Demons will visit you in dreams.
Following this first interaction, the demon you have desired will come to visit you and have sex with you in your dreams.
Let’s get rid of the sexual desire of strangers.
Therefore, if you want to avoid having sex with demons while you sleep, you must keep your eyes from lusting after strangers.
Listen to what the written word of God says in Job 31:1-3:
I made a covenant with my eyes
not to look lustfully at a young woman.
For what is our lot from God above,
our heritage from the Almighty on high?
Is it not ruin for the wicked,
disaster for those who do wrong?