Dear reader, you may find some difficulty believing what I am about to tell you, but it is the real truth. One of the prayers from earth that our Father in Heaven directly hears and answers quickly is the prayer made by a husband and wife praying together.
This is what Jesus wishes.
Jesus Christ wishes that all married couples get to know this secret. Our Father in heaven and the Holy Spirit will pay more attention to husband and wife praying together, than each one praying separately.
Miracles happen when husband and wife pray together.
The prayer of a married couple goes direct to heaven.
Satan and demons fight the prayers of many Christians, but one prayer they find difficult to stop is the prayer made by a husband and wife praying together.
Jesus cries because of married Christian couples.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is crying because of Christian husbands and wives who cannot pray together.
Listen to what Jesus says:
Why do you move away from your holy matrimonial chambers
to seek prayer partners elsewhere?
Father in heaven would quickly answer your prayers
if you prayed together husband and wife in your home.
This is how Satan stops husband and wife praying together.
Satan doesn’t want the prayers of married Christian couples to be answered.
The devil and demons will bring conflicts, disagreements, differences, and resentment between husband and wife to ensure that they don’t pray together.

Pastors and their wives.
This is what Jesus Christ says:
If pastors regularly prayed with their wives,
in their sacred bedrooms,
Father in heaven will quickly answer their prayers,
and problems within the church would no longer exist
Where two are gathered.
Listen to what Jesus Christ says:
The main reason I considered the number two in Mathew 18:20
is because of the Christian husband and wife.
Let all married couples be assured that
I am always with them when they pray together
I will always carry their prayers direct to my Father in heaven.
Miracles happen when husband and wife pray together.