My enemy fell into own trap!

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My enemy fell into own trap!




Makko Musagara




Before moving to my current residence, I lived near a very bad neighbor who was involved in satanism and occultism. What bothered him the most was our nights of intense prayers. To overcome these prayers, he set a trap for us. This article tells how my enemy fell into his own trap!

Our prayers bothered our Satanist neighbor.

Once our home hosted a pastor who was resurrected from the dead during the Rwanda genocide. This pastor had a lot of holy fire every time he prayed. We would pray with him and our house and all the neighboring houses would be covered in holy fire.

This is what annoyed my Satanist neighbor. Every time we prayed, his demonic powers would flee, leaving him helpless.

The trap.

The trap set by my Satanist neighbor was to take place during our night of intense prayer. Since the electrical cables serving my residence and that of the Satanist neighbor came from the same electric pole, he hired a man to disconnect the electrical cable from our house.

The satanist fell into his own trap.

Around 2am, we had just finished prayer and I was enjoying God’s presence when I heard someone shouting from the Satanist’s house: “You cut my electric cable instead!” He was yelling at the person he had hired, insulting him because he had cut his cable instead of mine!

This is what God is telling you now.

Dear reader, if you believe in God and His Son Jesus Christ, this is what God is telling you right now:


Whoever digs a pit for you will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.


Proverbs 26:27

Therefore, from today onward do not fear your enemies. God will take care of them.



My enemy fell into own trap!


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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