May the glory of God cover the entire earth.
Dear reader, death is not the end of any person as their spirit keeps wandering in many places. This article shows you how to overcome the wandering spirits of deceased relatives.
This happens during the funeral service.
First, we need to understand that during the funeral service the spirit of a dead person is not buried or cremated. As a matter of fact, the spirit of a dead person moves out of the dead body and keeps on moving around.

Why the spirits of the dead disturb the living.
Second, we need to know why the spirits of the dead continue to bother the living. First, after the burial or cremation of a deceased person, the spirit of the deceased person continues to move among loved ones because he or she feels alone. These spirits are restless because they feel they have been abandoned. They want to physically interact with living people but they cannot achieve this.
If not dealt with, the spirit of a dead person can bring you curses, deny you peace and steal your prosperity.
Witches, Satanists, and occultists can invoke the spirit of a dead person.
Secondly, the spirit of a dead person can torment you due to the activities of witches, satanists and occultists. These evil people can even summon the spirit of a dead person to attack you. This is the reason why you can sometimes see a dead person attacking you in your dreams.

How to overcome the wandering spirit of a dead person.
In order to overcome the wandering spirits of your deceased loved ones, you must be strongly rooted in Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Second, you must live a prayerful life. Prayer will allow you to command the spirit of a deceased person to leave.
Third, you must be spiritually alert. When you are awake, you can actually feel these negative forces approaching you. Additionally, you can see these spirits in your dreams while you sleep.
As soon as you feel these spirits, get out of bed and command them never to return to you in the Name of Jesus Christ.
The blood of Jesus Christ.
Finally, we must get used to invoking the blood of Jesus Christ wherever we are. The blood of Jesus will drive away the spirit of a deceased person.