Police Officers are God’s Servants

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Police Officers are God’s Servants.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you may not believe this, but it happened to me. Last night around 4 o’clock in the morning, I woke up wanting to write an article that would promote the Kingdom of God.

Suddenly, an inaudible voice came into my mind telling me like this:


Write an article saying that all policemen are servants of God.


I knew it was the voice of God, but I was hesitant to write about the police. Police is part of any country’s politics, so I didn’t want to write about politics.

Therefore, I excused myself and kept away from God’s instructions.


Write an article saying all police officers are God’s servants.


Then this happened.

It was now Sunday morning and, as usual, I went to the first service at one of the big churches in our town. Ever since I started attending this church, I usually see private guards taking care of all the security points of the church campus.

But this morning, I saw something unusual. There were two armed police officers casually talking to each other near the checkpoint at the entrance to our church. One was a nice young woman, so I asked her:


What is happening today? Are we getting an important Government visitor at our church?


The police woman’s response was negative. She told me that the police are always patrolling our church, although it is difficult to see them.

From this unusual experience, I realized that it was Heavenly Father who had arranged for me to see these two police officers at our church.

I apologized to God for hesitating to write an article about his police servants.


Without police the planet earth would be uninhabitable.


What a world without police would be.

Even if there was sunshine 24 hours a day, the world would be in darkness if there were no police. There would be total chaos in all countries. Organized gangs would take over entire cities, and children would freely drive their parents’ vehicles at 200 km/h.

Most communities would be uninhabitable, and many people would prefer to migrate to remote islands for safety reasons. Therefore, we must appreciate that our Heavenly Father uses policemen to bring light to our world.


Without police, kids would drive their parents vehicles at 200kph!


This is what the Lord says to all policemen.

Now that the police know they are God’s servants, Heavenly Father asks them to treat his people as if it is God himself who is handling them. They should only use maximum force when necessary.

Furthermore, all police officers should be satisfied with their pay (see Luke 3:14), and should avoid asking God’s people for “lunch

This article ends by affirming that all police officers are servants of God, and that our Heavenly Father will continue to use them to bring peace to our world.



Prayer that blocks Satan.


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