Reading your Bible scares Satan and demons

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Reading your Bible scares Satan and demons.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, you sow confusion in Satan’s kingdom the moment you open the Bible. The reason for this chaos is that reading your Bible scares Satan and demons.


The Bible is a living divine person.


First, we must understand that the Bible is a living divine person representing God our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, never treat the Bible as an ordinary textbook.

The Bible is always waiting to speak to you.

Second, unlike any other book, the Bible is always waiting for you to read it. God our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are always eagerly waiting for you to read the Bible so that they can speak to you.

Reading the Bible invites the kingdom of God to your location.

Furthermore, as soon as you open the Bible and start reading it, you attract the kingdom of God to your location. In fact, God our Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and heavenly angels will immediately come to you as soon as you start reading the Bible. Suddenly all the darkness around you will disappear and the light of God’s kingdom will invade your location.

Satan and the demons will flee.

Additionally, when you begin to read the Bible and God’s presence engulfs you, Satan and demons will flee from your location. This is even more true if you read the scriptures out loud.

Your mouth will emit fire.

Additionally, when you read God’s written word in the Bible aloud, fire comes out of your mouth. This fire will burn away evil spirits near you and break down strongholds in any situation you may face.

I will never forget the day the Bible spoke to me.

I used to work as an administrator in a large organization. Then one day, my bosses informed me that they wanted to replace me with a more qualified person. As a result, my position was advertised in all major newspapers.

During my time of prayer, I brought this matter to our Father in heaven. God never spoke to me during prayer. However, as soon as I finished praying, I opened my Bible. The page I randomly opened had chapter 21 of Mathew. Then, suddenly, verse 42 jumped out at me in a supernatural way.

This verse reads:


Jesus said to them,

“Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone;
the Lord has done this,
    and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?


I immediately worshipped God after reading this verse. This Bible verse was assuring me that no matter what happens, no one would take my position.

Later, this organisation conducted many interviews but strangely, every best candidate they selected had some complicated issues. As a result the interview panel gave up and advised my bosses like this:


It is better that Makko continues in this position. 


Miracolously I worked in that position for five more years until I voluntarily moved on to another organization.

Reading your Bible scares Satan and demons.

Considering all the facts mentioned above, it is always good to read God’s word because Satan and demons get scared when they see you reading the Bible.







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