Dear reader, this article introduces you to an unusual type of prayer. Unlike verbal communication with God, Satan and demons cannot intercept this type of prayer.
Limitations of verbal prayers.
First of all, to understand the importance of prayer mentioned in this article, you must understand the main limitation of our verbal prayers to God.
As a matter of fact, some verbal prayers made by Christians can be intercepted by Satan and demons. Therefore, some of these prayers do not reach our Heavenly Father. This is one of the reasons why some Christians do not get answers to their prayers.
You can pray to God using your thoughts.
Fortunately, Heavenly Father has given us another channel through which we can communicate with Him. We can pray to God using our thoughts. Satan and demons cannot intercept this type of prayer.
Many times I have spoken to God using my thoughts and have been amazed at how Heavenly Father responds to this type of prayer.
God’s response that amazed me.
As an illustration, I would like to share with you this incredible true personal story. Once I was out of work and one evening while I was lying awake in bed, I spoke to God in my thoughts like this:
Lord, am I going to move from one street to another looking for a job?
My mouth was closed as I prayed this simple prayer, and I thought God hadn’t heard it. Then, while I was sleeping that same night, I had a strange dream.
In this dream, I saw a glorious person saying to me thus:
You will not look for a job; rather, it is the job that will seek you out.
Three days after this dream, a prominent person from our country came to my house to ask if I could accept a job offer from their organization. I easily accepted and received a salary three times higher than what I received from my previous job.
Keep your thoughts holy.
If you would like to communicate with God using this method, Heavenly Father wants you to keep your thoughts holy always. You must cast out ungodly thoughts as soon as Satan puts them in your mind.