Dear reader, many Christians are confused. They keep on wondering how their blessings keep on vanishing. Some loose their investments.
Others loose their marriages. While others loose their very good health. In this article, I show you one major way the Devil steals the blessings of many Christians.
Anger is so bad.
Satan is always looking for a way to steal the blessings of Christians, but he fails. If he ever finds only one open door through which he can pass, the Devil may steal every blessing of that Christian.
This doorway is anger. If the Devil can find a way of making you angry, then he has found a way of stealing most of your blessings.
Anger is a major doorway through which Satan steals the blessings of many Christians.
What Jesus Christ said about anger.
Jesus Christ taught all Christians never to become angry. Jesus said that if someone slaps on one cheek, do not become angry.
Instead, turn the other cheek for another slap to show the Devil that you are not angry at all (Mathew 5:39). If someone forces you to walk one mile, do not become angry with that person.
Instead, happily walk two miles to show the Devil that you are not angry at all (Mathew 5:41).
Never sleep with anger.
The Bible instructs all Christians never to go to bed with anger. If you do, Satan may enter your life and steal all your blessings (Ephesians 4:26-27).
Move away from any person provoking you.
Dear reader, our Father in Heaven is advising you to stay away from any person who is provoking you. Do not respond to the provocations of such a person.
Just tell that person that: “God bless you” and move away very quickly.
If you respond to provocation, you may become angry and enable the Devil steal all your blessings.
Satan may rob all your blessings, if you do this.