Dear reader, you are not supposed to be what you are because the devil has stolen a lot from you. Satan stole your destiny, Jesus restores it.
God planned for you to be an extremely blessed person.
First, our Heavenly Father planned long ago that you would be an extremely blessed person. If you doubt this fact, listen to God’s own words from His mouth:
I will go before you
and will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
Isaiah 45:2-3
Satan stole your blessings
Second, you need to know that the devil is a thief. In fact, Satan is the number one thief in the whole world. If you have any doubts, hear what God says in His word written in the Bible:
The thief [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
John 10:10
God will restore your stolen blessings.
Our God is a God of restoration. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, He will restore every blessing that was stolen from you.
Listen to what God’s word says in the Bible:
Instead of bronze I will bring you gold,
and silver in place of iron.
Instead of wood I will bring you bronze,
and iron in place of stones.
I will make peace your governor
and well-being your ruler.
Isaiah 60:17
Become strong in the Lord.
Finally, if you want Heavenly Father to totally restore your destiny, you need to be strong in Jesus Christ. Live a life of prayer, reading God’s word in the Bible, attending church services, fasting, and living a holy life.