Dear reader, our Lord Jesus Christ counseled us to spend less on earth and invest more in heaven (see Matthew 6:19-20). The reason is that earthly investments can easily fade away, but heavenly investments last forever. In this article you will see the seven best investments to make in heaven.
7. Receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.
You cannot invest in heaven unless you have received Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. Salvation in Jesus Christ opens the door to heaven for you, and gives you eternal life.
Therefore, if you have not yet received Jesus as Lord of your life, you had better make that investment now.
6. Tithes and offerings to God.
Every time you tithe and make an offering to God at church, you are investing in heaven. The angels of God in heaven record all of your tithes and offerings that you give on earth.
You invest in heaven when you give a gift in proportion to how the Lord your God has blessed you.
5. Helping God’s servants.
Our Heavenly Father cherishes those on earth who have dedicated their lives to His service. In fact, God’s servants are his representatives here on earth.
Therefore, anyone who blesses God’s servants is making a big investment in heaven. Heaven will always remember you if you help a servant of God.

4. Donating your valuable property to the Kingdom of God.
Heaven will always remember you and your descendants if you donate your valuable personal property for the expansion of the Kingdom of God on earth.
Thanks to this gift, the angels of God will always deliver you from the snares of Satan.
3. Building a house for God (a church building).
God will always remember you and your descendants for building Him a place of prayer and worship here on earth. Heavenly angels will always fight your battles to ensure you don’t perish in hell.
2. Helping the needy.
God’s angels in heaven are recording each time you help someone in need here on earth. In fact, these angels always issue a certificate for every needy person you have helped.
You will find these investment certificates hanging on the walls of your house in heaven.

1. Winning lost souls for God’s Kingdom.
This is the best investment anyone can make in heaven. This investment will please our Heavenly Father and all the heavenly angels most.
Interestingly, you can indirectly bring souls into the kingdom of God by supporting servants of God who preach to the lost souls.
You will get many golden crowns in heaven because of this investment.
Seven best investments to make in Heaven.