Seven things you can do to destroy Satan’s kingdom at your location.

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Seven things you can do to destroy Satan’s kingdom at your location.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, this article shows you seven things you can do to destroy Satan’s kingdom at your location.

A Christian is always at war.

First, all Christians must understand that they are at war with Satan’s kingdom, even though many don’t realize it. When you become a follower of Jesus Christ, you unconsciously declare war on Satan and all his followers. Therefore, you must do the following seven things to destroy Satan’s kingdom at your location.

1. Prayer.

This is the number one weapon against Satan’s kingdom. Prayer directly confronts and repels Satan’s kingdom. Prayer provokes war in your home as the angels of God repel demons.

2. Worship.

Second, worshiping our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit greatly disturbs Satan’s kingdom. Demons cannot remain where there is Christian worship because of the intense spiritual fire there. Therefore, you drive away Satan’s kingdom from your location when he worship God regularly.

3. Fasting.

Thirdly, you declare war on Satan’s kingdom when you fast. God’s angels will draw near a person who is fasting, therefore driving away Satan’s kingdom from that location.

4. Binding and casting away demons.

Furthermore, you deplete Satan’s kingdom when you start binding and casting away demons. You deactivate demons when you bind them. They will remain in that bound state until God’s day of judgement.

Second, bound demons cannot recover when you cast them into the Abyss. Bound demons will stay in the Abyss until God’s day of judgement. All this destroys Satan’s kingdom near you.

5. The Blood of Jesus Christ.

Additionally, you push away Satan’s kingdom when you invoke the blood of Jesus Christ at your location. Satan and demons cannot stay at any location where the blood of Jesus Christ is.

6. Planting a church in an area.

Also, you declare war on Satan, principalities, rulers, and authorities of darness when you plant a church at a new location. Prayer, praise, worship, the preaching of God’s word, and turning prople to Christ in that church will drive away Satan’s kingdom.

7.  Winning lost souls.

Seventh, you drive away Satan’s kingdom when you preach and bring lost souls into God’s kingdom. Evangelism rescues God’s people from the kingdom of darness to the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Seven things you can do to destroy Satan’s kingdom at your location.


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