Dear reader, this article presents to you the shocking things the Lord revealed about pornography. The Lord revealed that many people have been chosen by Heavenly Father to serve in the Kingdom. However, due to their engagement in pornography, their spiritual gifts from heaven have been stolen by Satan and demons.
The spiritual gift of discernment.
First, the Lord showed me that our heavenly Father has endowed many Christians with the gift of discernment. In fact, these Christians are supposed to see into the spirit world. However, because of their involvement in pornography, Satan has robbed them of this spiritual gift. As a result, whenever they try to see into the spirit world, they can only see pornographic images.
The spiritual gift of prophecy.
Second, Heavenly Father has given many Christians the gift of prophecy. However, this gift cannot operate in a Christian who engages in pornography. Instead of seeing what is happening in people’s lives, these Christians will only see pornographic images.
Looking at men and women as God’s image.
Furthermore, due to their engagent in pornography, many Christians can no longer view men and women as God’s true image. Instead they view men and women as objects of sexual pleasure.
Saving souls.
The Lord also indicated that it will be difficult for a Christian involved in pornography to save souls destined for hell, because such a Christian has opted to become a friend of Satan and the demons of sex.
What are we supposed to do?
So, as Christians called to serve God, what are we supposed to do? The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 6:18. Listen to what our Heavenly Father says:
18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.