Six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness.

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Six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness.




Makko Musagara



Dear reader, when you refuse to forgive, you open the door for demons to enter your body. Considering this fact, this article presents to you six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness.

Please note, not all people affected by these illnesses have refused to forgive. Some causes of these illnesses may be purely medical.


First on this list is headache. When you refuse to forgive, you open a door in your spiritual and physical body for headache demons to enter your life. Interestingly, when you decide to forgive and forget the person who offended you, the headache disappears.


Second on the list is hypertention. Your refusal to forgive can open a door on your life for demons of hypertention to attack you. Such demons can only be cast out through repentance, prayer, and supernatural deliverance through Jesus Christ.

Severe back pain.

Additionally, when you refuse to forgive, you open a door on your life for demonic serpents to enter your spinal cord. These serpents will cause severe back pain and associated ailments. In fact, these spiritual serpents can only be cast out through supernatural healing using the power of the Holy Spirit.


As a matter of fact, not all cancer is caused by medical reasons. Rather, some cases are due to unforgiveness. In such situation, the cancer will disappear as soon as a person decides to forgive the person who offended them.

Cardiovascular disease.

Also, anger and bitterness resulting from unforgiveness can open a door for demons of cardivascular disease to enter into your body. These demons can only leave your body after repentance, forgiving the person who offended you, and prayer.


Interestingly, not all cases of intertility are caused by medical reasons. Some people are infertile because they refused to forgive. This refusal opened a door on their lives that allowed demons of infertility to afflict them. However, this situation can be reversed if the affected person decides to forgive.



Six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness.



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