Six gospel songs that actually invite demons

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Alt=Six gospel songs that actually invite demons
Six gospel songs that actually invite demons.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, not all gospel songs attract the presence of God as some Christians believe. This article presents six gospel songs that actually invite demons.

Gospel songs not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

First, before musicians compose gospel songs, they should pray to seek the guidance and blessings of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

However, some musical artists compose gospel songs after compromise with Satan’s kingdom. Listening to such songs will always invite demons.

Gospel songs composed by sinful Christians.

Second, before musical artists compose gospel songs, they must repent of their sins by promising God not to repeat the same mistakes.

If this repentance is not made and no change is made in the lifestyle of the musicians, then the resulting gospel song will attract demons instead of the Holy Spirit.

Gospel songs composed by non-Christians.

Also, there are some gospel songs composed by non-Christians with the aim of becoming famous. Such musicians do not believe or practice the teachings or the commands of  our Lord Jesus Christ. These gospel songs will only attract demons instead of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to what God’s written word in the Bible says about non-Christian musicians:


Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?


2 Corinthians 6:14


Gospel songs intended for selfish gain.

Furthermore, if a musician composes a song for selfish reasons, that song will invite demons instead of the Holy Spirit. Such songs do not promote God’s kingdom but instead drive some Christians into hell.

Gospel songs inspired by Satan.

In addition, some Christians forget that Satan was a worship leader when he was serving our Heavenly Father in heaven. Satan is still compiling songs and passing them on to musicians as gospel songs. These songs will invite demons instead of the Holy Spirit.

Gospel songs that do not promote God’s kingdom.

Sixth, there are some gospel songs that do not actually promote the kingdom of God. Such songs promote sexual immorality, rivarly, hatred, and honor man instead of God. These songs will invite demons instead of the Holy Spirit.


In conclusion, this article calls upon all Christians to know more about gospel musicians before you listen to their music.







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