Dear reader, this article introduces you to six places in your area with intense demonic activity. If I were you, I would not go to these six places without praying and covering myself with the blood of Jesus Christ.
1. Cemeteries.
First up on this list are the cemeteries. These are the main places in your area where a lot of demonic activity takes place, especially at night. Never go to cemeteries without praying and covering yourself with the blood of Jesus Christ.
2. Witchcraft altars (shrines).
Second on this list are the witchcraft altars or shrines. These places are specially built in your area to offer sacrifices to Satan and demons. Never go to these places if you are a devout follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you do without any precaution, you may find yourself attacked by demons.
3. Fresh food markets.
Third on this list are the fresh food markets. Due to competition between the many traders, there is a lot of demonic activity resulting from secret witchcraft practices by different individuals in the market.
4. Toilets.
Furthermore, you can consider all public and domestic toilets as spiritual airports where demons gain entry into peoples lives and homes. Therefore, it is important that you first pray and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus before you enter in any toilet, including the ones in your own house.
5. Water bodies.
Additionally, if your area is within the vicinity of a river, lake, sea, or an ocean, then consider such water bodies as infested with demonic activity. In fact, witches, occultists, and Satanists have a lot of connection with water bodies within any area of the world.
6. Mortuaries.
Sixth on this list are the mortuaries within your area. These places are infested with the wandering spirits of the dead. These spirits can affect your life if you dont pray or cover yourself with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Six locations in your area with intense demonic activity.