Six types of torture await anyone who masturbates

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Six types of torture await anyone who masturbates.



Makko Musagara



The Lord is warning all people who are still alive that six types of torture await anyone who masturbates. So repent before it is too late.

1. Falling into hell fire.

The first punishment for masturbation will be falling into hell upon death. Since no person who masturbates will enter heaven, the only destination will be hell.

Listen to what the written word of God says in the Bible:

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Revelation 21:8


2. Raped by ferocious demons.

Second, as soon as the person who masturbates reaches hell, that person will be continuously raped by different kinds of ferocious demons.

3. Piercing genitals with sharp and hot objects.

The third type of torture will consist of piercing the sinner’s genitals with sharp and burning objects. This will last day and night, forever.

4. Pouring molten lava onto the genitals.

Fourth, ferocious demons will gather a large quantity of molten lava from hell and pour it onto and into the genitals of the person who masturbated on earth. Likewise, this torture will continue day and night, forever.

5. Genitals bitten by ferocious serpents and insects.

Fifth, the Lord wants us to be aware that hell is home to a multitude of ferocious serpents and insects. As soon as the person who masturbates dies and falls into hell, these ferocious creatures will continuously bite that person’s genitals day and night forever.

6. Pouring hot sulphuric acid onto the genitals.

Additionally, another type of torture in Hell will involve pouring concentrated, burning sulfuric acid onto the sinner’s private parts. This type of torture will be administered by ferocious demons, day and night, for eternity.


Therefore, if you are in the habit of masturbating, the Lord wants you to repent and live a holy life. This change will spare you the suffering and torture of hell.




The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4


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