Dear reader, our Heavenly Father always warns pastors who have gone astray. This article presents six ways God warns sinful pastors.
Why God cares about sinful pastors.
Our Heavenly Father is concerned about sinful pastors for three reasons. First, these pastors have unknowingly left the path that leads them to heaven and are instead taking a path that leads them to everlasting destruction in hell.
Second, these pastors are leading many innocent Christians to hell. Third, God cares about sinful pastors because they tarnish his holy name.
God uses dreams.
First, Heavenly Father warns a sinful pastor through dreams. This is exactly what happened to Abimelech, king of Gerar. This man was about to sleep with a married woman and God came to him in a dream.
God said to King Abimalek in a dream like this:
Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken [as your wife], for she is another man’s wife.
Genesis 20:3
Storms of life.
Second, if the sinful pastor does not correct his ways, God will bring a storm into that pastor’s life. This storm can take the form of a marital dispute, church conflict, and other forms of problems.

Unusual incidents.
Third, if the pastor continues to sin, God will cause unusual incidents in his life. These incidents include accidents, theft and serious illness.
Embarrassing situations.
Furthermore, if the pastor does not change his ways, God will bring embarrassing situations into his life. For example, a church member may find the pastor committing an act of fornication.
God will send a messenger.
Furthermore, if the sinful pastor does not change, God will send messengers to that pastor. This is exactly what God did with King David who secretly slept with Batsheba, wife of Uriah the Hittite. The Lord sent the prophet Nathan to warn David that he had committed a serious sin ( read 2 Samuel 12).
Exposure to the whole world.
Ultimately, if the sinful pastor does not change his ways, God will expose him to the whole world.
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