Dear reader, do you want spiritual power? Then, surrender your eating to God for 7 days and this will happen!
What type of surrendering I am talking about?
To begin with, let me explain the type of surrendering I am talking about in this article. In fact, the surrendering I am talking about is all kinds of food and beverages, except water.
Why 7 days?
Since this is a holy fast dedicated to the Lord, seven makes a perfect number.
What is the meaning of this surrendering?
First, when you surrender all your eating, you are telling Heavenly Father like this:
Father, I surrender all my eating to you. In exchange, please give me the spiritual power to overcome all the demonic forces that are tormenting me and my family.
Secondly, when you surrender all your eating to God, you allow our Heavenly Father, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the mighty angels to fight your battles! As you continue surrendering eating to God during the seven days, you will see unusual victories in your life and in your family.
Why is occasional surrendering eating to God important?
As a matter of fact, there are some types of powerful demons that cannot be dislodged by any kind of prayer. Such type of demonic forces can only be dislodged by a combination of prayer and fasting.
Listen to what our Lord Jesus Christ said about such demons:
28 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?
29 And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.
Mark 9:28-29
You will see victories within the first three days.
Considering all the above, and from the many testimonies I have heard, when you surrender your eating to God for seven days, you will begin seeing victories within the first three days. God will not wait for you to first complete the seven days!