Only Jesus Christ can help you forgive

    Makko Musagara     Forgiving is so difficult that no one can forgive out of their own free will. In fact, only Jesus Christ can help you forgive. Unforgiveness is a giant demon. First, most people don’t know … Continued

Six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness.

      Makko Musagara     Dear reader, when you refuse to forgive, you open the door for demons to enter your body. Considering this fact, this article presents to you six common illnesses caused by unforgiveness. Please note, … Continued

6 dangers of refusing an apology

    Makko Musagara     Dear reader, you are in great trouble if you refuse an apology. In this article I show you 6 dangers of refusing an apology. God will not forgive you. If you reject an apology, … Continued

10 dangers of refusing to forgive

      Makko Musagara       When you do not forgive, something bad happens in the spiritual realm. Below I give 10 dangers of not forgiving.   First, by refusing to forgive, you will be disobeying what our … Continued