Dear reader, were you born outside of marriage? Then only Jesus Christ can deliver you. This article shows you the danger of being born outside of marriage.
To be born outside of marriage breaks God’s laws.
To begin with, we need to understand that extramarital sexual relationships are forbidden in God’s Kingdom. Therefore, any child born out of such relationships is a cursed child.
In fact, in the Old Testament such offspring were not even allowed to enter God’s house. Listen to what the written word of God says in Deuteronomy 23:2:
2 No one born of a forbidden marriage[a] nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the Lord, not even in the tenth generation.
Deuteronomy 23:2
Satan has the legal right to attack you.
Considering the above mentioned Bible verse, Satan and demons will use it to attack you in one way or another. In fact, if you do not fast regularly and are not a prayerful person, Satan will keep you in his prison without your knowledge.
Demons will steal your heavenly blessings.
Likewise, as stated above, Satan and demons will use the above scripture to steal your heavenly blessings. In this case, God’s angels will not fight much to help you because they cannot go against God’s written word in the Bible.
Only Jesus Christ can take away your curse.
Therefore, the only person who can help you out of this difficult situation is actually our Lord Jesus Christ. You must surrender your life completely to Jesus and you need to begin produce fruits in the Kingdom of God. It is very difficult for curses to stay in the life of a person who is fruitful in God’s Kingdom.
Furthermore, you must be faithful in tithing and giving thanksgiving offerings to God. If you do all these things, Satan and the demons will flee from you.