Dear reader, many people have wishes about how they want to be buried after death. This article shows you the dangers of burying a deceased person against his or her wishes.
Here are some of the ways some people wish to be buried.
Regarding this matter, some people want to be buried in specific places, while others want to be buried on particular calendar days or at special times.
Likewise, some people wish to be buried with specific items, while others wish to be buried with special clothing. In summary, people’s burial wish list is endless.
The soul of a deceased person remains active.
Generally speaking, the body of a deceased person can disintegrate. However, that person’s soul remains active and may present itself to the living person through dreams or other strange phenomena.

Samuel’s soul was still alive and moving.
If you don’t believe in the living souls of the deceased, open the Bible to the Book of 1 Samuel chapter 28 verse 15. You will see that the prophet Samuel had already passed away and was buried.
However, in a strange turn of events, Samuel’s soul emerged from the supernatural world, began to speak in an audible voice, and rebuked King Saul.
The soul of Samuel angriry asked King Saul like this:
Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?
A deceased person can prevent a funeral from taking place.
The supernatural world is full of mysterious events. In some cases, if the soul of a deceased person senses that the body is going to be buried against that deceased person’s wishes, it can prevent that burial from taking place.
For example, the soul of that deceased person can cause parts of the vehicle carrying the body to break down.
The deceased mother who wanted her coffin brought to her daughter’s house.
You might find this story hard to believe, but it’s true because I saw the video of these amazing events on local TV news. Likewise, this story was also reported in our local newspapers.
During her last week in the hospital, this bedridden mother asked everyone who visited her like this:
When I die, please do not take my coffin from this hospital directly to my burial place. I want you to first take my coffin to my daughter’s house in this city for a few hours because I love her very much.
On the contrary, at her death, her relatives decided to take the dead mother directly to her burial place, which was some 150 km away. As they were passing the road that forked toward her daughter’s house, something strange happened. The vehicle carrying this mother’s coffin suddenly broke down! Despite some repairs, this vehicle was unable to move forward.
Concerned relatives brought another vehicle from the city and moved the coffin to this second vehicle. Unfortunately, this vehicle moved less than a kilometer and got completely stuck. The mechanics did many checks but could not understand why this vehicle had suddenly stopped.
The rowdy relatives brought in a third vehicle, this time a new one with no history of breakdowns. After putting the coffin in this new vehicle, it completely refused to start!
As they wondered what to do next, they remembered the deceased’s wish to carry her coffin to her daughter’s house first. They decided to grant her late mother her wish.
As soon as they made this decision, the three vehicles that mysteriously broke down started to drive normally!

The soul of the deceased can torment still living relatives.
If a deceased person is buried against their will, that person’s soul can torment living relatives, especially through dreams. Prayer by our Lord Jesus Christ will take away these nightmares
Unexplainable Disease.
The souls of the deceased person can torment some of the living relatives with unexplainable disease. Only prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ can remove such a disease.

Accidents and deaths.
When angered, the souls of some deceased persons are so violent that they can cause accidents or even deaths. Only the power of God through Jesus Christ can protect the living from such evil supernatural powers.