Dear reader, in this article I want to show you the danger of remembering your former lover. This article is mainly for persons who have already accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives.
Jesus Christ washes away your bad past.
When you receive Jesus Christ in your heart, he washes away all your bad past and you become a new person. All your past goes away and you become a new creation.
The Lord compares a Christian to a baby child who has just been washed with clean water and wrapped in a white towel. Like this child, all your dirt has been washed and you are now clothed in a white heavenly garments.
Remembering your former lover.
When you become a true Christian, with Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, and you start remembering your former lover, then you are like a bathed baby who jumps out of the white towel and starts playing in mud.
Remembering your former lover tarnishes your salvation.
When you remember your former lover, you spoil your heavenly cleanliness, together with the white heavenly garments Father in Heaven has given you.
The Holy Spirit may flee from you.
When you accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, and then afterwards you remember your former lover, the Holy Spirit whom Father in Heaven has given you may flee from you.
When you remember your former lover, you may closing the door for your entry into cielo.
Focus on your future.
The Lord is advising you that instead of remembering your past, focus on the new things God is about to bring about in your life. Also, spend much time thinking about Heaven, where you will spend your eternity.