The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan

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Alt=The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan
The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, until now many people do not understand why Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil. This article shows you the real reason why Adam and Eve actually believed Satan’s words.

The temptation of Adam and Eve was not sudden.

First, we need to understand that the temptation of Adam and Eve did not happen overnight. This temptation lasted several months. For a long time, Adam and Eve allowed evil thoughts to grow in their minds. They never made any effort to pray to Heavenly Father to help them get rid of these sinful thoughts.

Our Heavenly Father gave up helping this couple when He realized that Adam and Eve had the same sinful thoughts on their minds all the time. They never made the slightest effort to reject these bad ideas because they depended on their own human capabilities.


Alt=The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan
For a long time both Adam and Eve allowed evil thoughts to grow in their minds.


God gave Adam and Eve the freedom to choose.

As you may have already realized in your own life, Heavenly Father is not a dictator. God will never force you to do anything, and He has given everyone the freedom to choose what they want to do.

In the same way, God gave Adam and Eve the freedom to choose between life and death, as shown in  Deuteronomy 30:19-20:


This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.



Alt=The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses, now choose life.


God only fellowships with people who have holy thoughts.

Third, we must understand that Heavenly Father cannot commune with anyone who has evil thoughts because such thoughts are detestablel to Him. Sinful thoughts made Adam and Eve impure and gradually cut off their communication with Heavenly Father.

This fact is clearly stated in Proverbs 15:26 which says:


Evil plans and thoughts of the wicked are exceedingly vile and offensive to the Lord,
But pure words are pleasant words to Him.



Satan took advantage of the sinful thoughts of Adam and Eve.

Sinful thoughts are like a rotting dead animal. The rotten smell of such an animal will attract flies whether you like it or not. In the same way, the rotting sinful thoughts that grew in Adam and Eve minds attracted the devil.  Consequently, the devil led Adam and Eve into sin, and they were driven out of God’s glory.


Alt=The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan
Satan took advantage of Adam and Eve’s sinful thoughts.


Reject any sinful thought that comes to your mind.

In conclusion, the fall of Adam and Eve should be a lesson for every Christian. We should never allow sinful thoughts to dwell in our minds for more than a minute because they will take away the presence of God.

Our Heavenly Father will always cut off his communication with anyone who has ungodly thoughts in his mind. Furthermore, if you allow sinful thoughts to dwell in your mind, Satan will take advantage of this situation to expel you from the blessings and glory of God.



The real reason why Adam and Eve believed Satan.


Prayer that blocks Satan.


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