Dear reader, this woman was a faithful preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ on earth but now she suffers in the fires of hell. This article shows you the shocking reason this faithful preacher is suffering in hell.
What our Lord Jesus Christ is saying about this woman.

“I called this woman at the age of thirty to preach my word and to be a witness of the gospel. But if any person I call does not want my spirit, I depart.
This woman answered my call for many years, and she grew in the knowledge of the Lord. She learned my voice and she did many good works for me. She prayed often and she had many prayers answered. She taught many people the way of holiness. In addition, she was faithful to her husband”
Then this preacher’s life took a sudden turn.

Jesus Christ continues:
“The years went by until one day she found out that her husband was having an affair with another woman. And eventhough her husband asked for forgiveness, she grew bitter and would not forgive him. She grew bitter everyday as she never surrendered her anger to me”
Here was the gospel preacher’s excuse.

This woman preacher said in her heart:
“Lord Jesus, here I am serving God faithfully, and my husband is running around with other women! Do you think that is right?
Jesus’s Response:
“I told this woman that, ‘No, it is not right. But your husband came and repented saying he will never do it again.’
But she never listened to me. Time went on and she stopped praying and reading the Bible”

Jesus Christ continues:
“She would not listen to me, her heart grew bitter, and great sin entered her in her life. Murder grew in hear heart where love had once been. And one day, in her anger, she killed both her husband and the other woman. Satan then took her over completely, and she killed herself. That is the reason she is in hell now”
The shocking reason this gospel preacher is suffering in hell.