The six demons tormenting promiscuous people.

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The six demons tormenting promiscuous people.




Makko Musagara




Dear reader, there are many dangers related to a person having lots of transient sexual relationships. This article presents the six demons tormenting promiscuous people.

1. The demon of lust.

First, having lots of temporary sex opens the door for hundreds of lust demons to attack you. After such an attack, it becomes almost impossible for you to control your sexual urges. Ultimately, this urge leads you to hell and eternal destruction.

2. Spiritual bondage.

Second, a promiscuous person is always in a state of spiritual bondage, though many may not realize it. This person becomes Satan’s slave and does whatever the devil tells him to do. In other words, a promiscuous person is driven away from God and becomes a loyal member of Satan’s kingdom.

3. The demon of infertility.

Third, we have to understand that sometimes infertility in humans is caused by evil spirits. This demon will rob you of your potential to bear  brilliant children.

4. Financial losses

In addition, you will be attacked by demons of financial losses. These demons will steal your precious possessions that took you years to acquire.

5. Frustration and disappointment.

Also, promiscuity brings you a lot of frustration and disappointment. King Solomon slept with hundreds of women of royal birth, as well as hundreds of concubines, but all of these women never brought him the happiness he desired. Instead, they brought him frustration and disappointment.

Listen to what King Solomon said towards the end of his life:


Meaningless! Meaningless!
    Utterly meaningless!
    Everything is meaningless.


Ecclesiastes 1:2


6. Early death.

Finally, promiscuity will never bring you long life. Instead, it will bring you early death.

Therefore, considering all of the above, the only thing that can give you true meaning in your life is to establish and develop your relationship with God our Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.



The six demons tormenting promiscuous people.



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