The spiritual dangers of sleeping naked

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Alt=The spiritual dangers of sleeping naked
The spiritual dangers of sleeping naked.



Makko Musagara



Sleeping nude has negative spiritual consequences. This article presents the spiritual dangers of sleeping naked.

Nudity is associated with shame.

First, throughout the Bible, nudity is associated with shame. Therefore, you are in a state of shame when you sleep naked. This is why Adam and Eve wanted to flee from the presence of God after realizing they were naked.

Listen to what God’s written word says in the Bible:

15Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.

Revelation 16:15

You are presenting yourself naked before God.

Second, every time you fall asleep, you present yourself to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. This is why there is a lot of interaction through dreams between many people and heaven when they are sleeping. Therefore, when you fall asleep without any clothes on, you present yourself naked before God.

You open a door for Satan and demons to  attack you.

Moreover, nudity is always associated with Satan and demons. This is the reason why Satanists, occultists and witches always perform their rituals naked. Therefore, when you sleep naked, you open a door for Satan and demons to attack you in one way or another.

You drive away God’s presence.

Also, our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit as well as God’s angels may find it difficult to come and minister to you when you are naked. Therefore, you drive away God’s presence when you sleep naked.

You will hide like Adam and Eve.

Besides, sleeping naked puts you in exactly the same situation Adam and Eve found themselves in. When they realised that they were naked and they heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden, they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden (see Genesis 3:8-10). 

The Day Jesus Christ Returns.

Furthermore, we must be aware that when Jesus Christ returns to gather the saints, Christians who sleep completely naked may be left behind.

Put on something.

Therefore, considering all that has been mentioned above, it is always spiritually beneficial to cover oneself completely or partially with some garment. If it is uncomfortable to cover oneself completely while sleeping, a man can consider putting on a loose boxer short, while a woman can think of the most suitable loose nightwear.





The weapon to stop Satan is actually found in Luke 11:4

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