Are you tired of car repair expenses? Here is the spiritual reason why your car constantly breaks down.
Satan and demons can actually drive your car.
First of all, you may find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you, but it is true. Satan and demons can actually drive your car while you sleep at night.
As you sleep at night, Satan can actually drive your real car out of your home, and he replaces it with its fake image to deceive your eyes. You can wake up to check your car and you will see that it is in the actual position where you left it, yet this is a devil’s deception.
During the night, the devil and demons may drive your car on many missions involving very long distances. Some of these missions involve destroying souls, attacking families, stealing people’s blessings, and robbing people’s money.
Your car is returned just before 5:00am.
After using your car overnight, Satan will return it to your home just before 5:00 a.m. In the spirit world, this is the time when most night missions end. Interestingly, since your car has traveled thousands of miles, it will be brought home to you in poor mechanical condition.
You will spend a lot on mechanical repairs.
As a result, if your car is driven long distances in dangerous places, it will no longer be the same. It will constantly break down and you will have to spend a lot of money to repair it. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether your car is new. This is the reason why some new cars end up having many mechanical issues.
Here are the only vehicles that Satan and demons cannot drive.
It is interesting to note that there are some vehicles that Satan and demons cannot drive. These are vehicles covered with the blood of Jesus Christ and the holy fire. This type of vehicles is also surrounded by the angels of God.
This is what you have to do.
Therefore, since you have an enemy who keeps driving your car at night, you need spiritual weapons. The first weapon is to pray for your car as soon as you get home. Ask our heavenly Father to deploy warrior angels around your car to scare away Satan and demons.
Secondly, it is written in the Bible that we overcome the devil by the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, make it a habit to cover your vehicle with the blood of Jesus.
If you follow this advice, you will have less problems with your car.
The Spiritual Reason Why Your Car Constantly Breaks Down.