Suddenly the elevator got stuck!
Dear reader, what I am about to tell you is a true story. This incident happened many years ago, after I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I was going up a skyscraper with three other people when suddenly the elevator got stuck high up between the exits. Then, all the lights in the elevator went out except for a small dim emergency light. Naturally, I and two other people in that elevator started to panic.
Suddenly, my heart started beating very fast and I was overcome with fear. I imagined that elevator suddenly plunging into the basement hundreds of meters below. No wonder I saw death coming so quickly. Meanwhile, two other passengers started screaming for help, while banging on the walls of the elevator. The banging and screaming added more fear to our already desperate situation.
These words calmed the situation.
In the midst of all this, only one person in that elevator remained calm. To me, this man was not ordinary. In fact, his face looked heavenly. Was he an angel? Later, I believed that he was an angel of God that God had sent to teach me something in the Kingdom of God. With great peace and confidence, this man stared at me.
In fact, I wondered what kind of person was capable of not reacting in such a terrifying situation. Indeed, he was an angel of God. This man chose me. Why did he just stare at me? After seeing my frightened face, he said these few words to me: DO NOT BE AFRAID!

Instantly, my life changed completely.
Supernaturally, these three words suddenly changed my life. Instinctively, I remembered God and all the miracles He performed in the Bible. Furthermore, I remembered that Moses had said the exact words to the children of Israel when they were trapped between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army.
When I remembered all this, all the fear in my heart disappeared. Consequently, my fear was replaced by faith in God. Instantly, my mortal face was replaced by the glow of hope and faith in God.
Suddenly, the escalator was filled with the presence of God.
Then something strange happened. Suddenly, the presence of God entered that elevator like a breath of fresh air. Furthermore, the electricity in the elevator was restored. Furthermore, the lights in that elevator worked again. All the panic and screaming ceased.
Indeed, death fled very quickly while life rushed into that elevator. Miraculously, the elevator resumed its journey after seven minutes of terror. Since then, whenever I find myself in a dangerous situation, I remember what God’s angel told me in that elevator: Do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid.
In fact, fear invites Satan, demons, and death. Furthermore, God cannot work where there is fear. Fear is so bad that our Heavenly Father has declared that whoever is afraid will never enter heaven (Revelation 21:8 KJV).
When you cast fear out of your heart and replace it with faith in our Heavenly Father, then God will begin to perform miracles. Satan, demons, and death will flee. God will send His angels to fix everything that is wrong.
These few words will drive danger out of your life.