Dear reader, if you are already a Christian and can dominate these four personal forces, then heaven is very close to you. These four controls will bring you very close to the throne of God.
1. Anger.
First, if you have already received Jesus Christ as Lord of your life and can control anger, heaven is very close to you. You are so close to the throne of God.
On the contrary, if you find it very difficult to control your anger, then, I am afraid, you are very close to hell.
2. The lusting of your eyes.
Secondly, if you can control the lust of your eyes and prevent them from leading you into sexual sins, then you are about to reach the throne room of God. Heaven has come so close to you.
As a matter of fact, if your eyes are no longer attracted to pornography, then you have overcome the lust of your eyes.
However, if you cannot control the lust in your eyes, then you are slowly drifting towards the fire of hell. Everlasting suffering and torment awaits you if you are a Christian but still watch pornography.

3. Hunger for food.
Third, if the hunger for food no longer controls you, but you control the hunger, then you can overcome the devil and the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated that He can defeat Satan and the whole world by overcoming hunger for food for forty days.
4. If you are no longer a slave of money.
Furthermore, you will come closer to the throne room of God if you are no longer a slave to money. Judas Escariot became a slave to money and ended up betraying our Lord Jesus Christ. He finally ended up in hell fire.
Similarly, many Christians have ended up in hell because they voluntarily became slaves to money.
Hello recently ive been under extreme demonic attack. I have fasted 3days agaisnt a spirit husband and i thought i was surely delivered but today it attacked me again during sleep paralysis and it keeps saying my name. Spiritual warfare has been extremely heavy on me. Im trying to learn who i am in Christ and get to know and hear Holy Spirit but its extremely difficult
Makko Musagara
Hi, you have to continue praying and fasting until God reveals to you what caused that spirit husband. If you get to know the cause, repent and disconnect yourself from that cause.