Dear reader, if you are already a Christian, and you are keeping any of the pictures I am going to mention in this article, then you have defiled your house (see Jeremiah 32:34).
Your house will smell filthy within the supernatural realm, and these pictures will prevent Jesus from visiting your home
Nudity pictures.
If you keep nudity pictures, they will make your home smell filthy within the supernatural world. Jesus Christ may want to enter your home but this filth drives him away.
Get rid of these pictures immediately to restore holiness in your home.
Pictures of pornography.
Jesus Christ will feel nauseated when he sees porn pictures in your home. He will prefer going back to our Father in heaven than entering your house.
Burn all these pictures right now to restore God’s presence in your home.
Pictures of the occult.
If you are already a Christian, and you are keeping pictures of the occult or witchcraft, then your home will look filthy in the sight of Jesus Christ.
Burn them right now.
Pictures of Satan and demons.
Satan is an enemy of God. Pictures or images of the devil and demons will drive the Holy Spirit away from your home. Burn all these pictures to restore sanctity in your home.
Clothes with images of Satan and demons.
If you have clothes, especially T-shirts, with images and symbols of the devil and demons, then you better throw them away or burn them right now (see Deuteronomy 7:25). These images will invite Satan and demons into your house.
If you continue keeping these clothes, they will make your house extremely unclean.
These pictures will prevent Jesus from visiting your home.