Dear reader, do you feel so far from our Heavenly Father? This article shows that these three actions will immediately draw God’s attention to you.
1. Repentance.
First, if you want to get God’s attention immediately, you must repent of your sins. Repenting means telling God that you are truly sorry for the sins in your life. Next, you ask Him to forgive you for all sins, and third, you promise Heavenly Father that you will not repeat those sins.
As a matter of fact, if you repent of your sins, God will stop everything He is doing and focus all His eyes on you. He will forgive you and help you start a new life. Furthermore, the angels of God will immediately transform you from a cursed life to a blessed life.
This is exactly what happened to the sinful inhabitants of the city of Nineveh. When they repented of their sins, God’s attention was immediately drawn to these repentant people.
As a very good example, listen to what the Bible says about this incident:
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.
Jonah 3:10

2. Staying away from sin.

Second, if you want to get God’s immediate attention, you must stay away from any type of sin. Staying away from sin means you have decided to sanctify your life for the kingdom of God. If you decide to walk in holiness, you will immediately get God’s attention and He will begin to use you mightly.
3. Reading the Bible.
Third, you must read the Bible if you want to get God’s attention immediately. From God’s perspective, reading the Bible implies that you are seeking God’s kingdom through God’s written word.
In fact, reading the Bible implies wanting to know what pleases God, and discovering what displeases him. It is this desire that will draw God’s attention to you. God will immediately send his Holy Spirit and his holy angels to envelop you.
For the best experience, you will interact better with God if you read the Bible in print rather than the electronic version on your phone.
The heavenly fire that came into my room while I was reading the Bible.
In fact, seeking God through His written word in the Bible is so powerful that you will immediately attract the attention of heaven. This is exactly what happened to me one evening while I was reading the Bible. It was this supernatural experience that marked the beginning of this ministry. Click HERE to see what actually happened to me during this supernatural experience.