Dear reader, as you sleep at night, a witch or an occultist can actually summon your spirit for diabolical reasons. These three signs show that a witch is summoning your spirit.
The best time to summon your spirit.
First of all, you need to know the best time for witches to summon your spirit. This time is actually at night when you are sleeping deeply. This time is usually between midnight and 3:00 a.m. If you are not strong in your walk with Jesus Christ, your spirit can easily be manipulated by witches when you are sound asleep.
As your spirit is invoked, you will see yourself in a spiritually frightening dream.
Therefore, it is very important that you live a prayerful life, read the word of God, attend church regularly and fast so that your spirit becomes very strong. When your spirit is strong, it cannot be easily summoned by witches. With a strong spirit, God will wake you up whenever a witch tries to summon your spirit.

Why would a witch want to invoke your spirit?
As a matter of fact, a witch would want to summon your spirit for three reasons. First, a witch can make you reveal your secrets through questioning. Second, a witch can curse you by feeding you with spiritually cursed foods or drinks.
Additionally, a lot of spiritual damage can be done to your life if a witch successfully summons your spirit. For example, you may wake up feeling very sick.
I know a powerful witch who summons the spirits of the people in her area to do manual labor in her home and on her farm at night. Victims wake up in the morning exhausted from spiritual manual labor.
These three signs show that a witch is summoning your spirit.
First, when your spirit is invoked, you will see yourself in a dream traveling to a certain place. In the spiritual realm, you travel to a witch. Second, you may see someone asking you questions while you’re answering them. Thanks to this interrogation, the witch will know most of your secrets.
Third, when your spirit is invoked, you may see yourself in a dream surrounded by certain people. This is exactly what happened when the spirit of the prophet Samuel was summoned by a witch. Deep in the night prophet Samuel found himself infront of the Witch of Endor and King Saul (see 1 Samuel chapter 28).
While you sleep soundly, your spirit can actually speak.
During the spiritual encounter between The prophet Samuel and the Witch of Endor, Samuel travelled in the spiritual realm and found himself standing before the witch and King Saul.
In a dream state Prophet Samuel asked:
“Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”
1 Samuel 28:15